Geronimo was born in 1820 near Gila River, close to present-day CliftonArizona. His father was Taklishim and his mother was Juana. Geronimo would grow to become one of the most feared Chiricahua warriors and the last Apache Chief. He was a master warfare strategist and was held in awe by his own people for his supposed medicine powers. On September 4, 1886, Geronimo surrendered to General Nelson A. Miles. The small band of Apache warriors, including women and children, along with 394 other tribesmen, were loaded into railroad cars and shipped to Fort Marion and Fort Pickens, Florida. Eventually Geronimo would be relocated to Fort Sill, Oklahoma where he died from pneumonia on February 17, 1909. He
was buried in the Fort Sill cemetery, and in 1931 a large rock monument
surmounted by a stone eagle was placed over his grave.

In 1903 Geronimo was thrown from his horse and severely injured. For a
while he was giving deep thoughts to Christianity. He had seen many of his
warriors make professions and saw their lives change, including Chatto and
Naiche. In July of 1903, a "camp meeting", was held on Medicine Bluff Creek
and many Apaches attended. Geronimo slowly made his way to the meeting
and sat inside the tent, with Naiche taking a seat beside him. 

Geronimo spoke in Apache and Benedict Jozhe interpreted: "He says that he is in the
dark. He knows that he is not on the right road and he wants to find Jesus."
At this, as the missionaries remembered it, "Naiche's fine, strong face 
blazed with joy."

During the succeeding days, they spent much time with Geronimo,
explaining the tenets of their faith, and at the last service by grace he
received it. "I am old," he told them, "and broken by this fall I have had. I am
without friends, for my people have turned from me. I am full of sins, and I
walk alone in the dark. I see that you missionaries have got a way to get sin
out of the heart, and I want to take that better road and hold it 'til I die." 

One of the missionaries examined him and found that underneath his apparent
indifference he had long been listening and learning. He was baptized a week
later. After the ceremony his people crowded around him. Naiche embraced
him, and the women and children clung to his hands. As the missionaries told
it afterwards, "his face softened and became bright with joy."

Geronimo believed Christianity to be superior to his own religion and advised
all of his people who were not Christians to study that religion, because, he
said, "It seems to me the best religion in enabling one to live right."

The gospel of Jesus Christ is the only way for salvation from sin. The gospel
message of the Eternal, Sinless, Son of God coming to earth, being clothed
with human flesh to die a cruel death on Calvary's cross, then being buried
and rising again the third day and ascending to the Father's right hand, being
highly exalted, "is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth."

By W.G. Carter
Northern Cheyenne Tribe