“…Never Let The Indian Mission Decline.” – Isaac McCoy

Our country has lost its faith, because the church has lost its fire. - Pastor Jeremy M. Cochran

Revival is not only evidenced by spectacular events when you realize there is no spectacle to the backslider who sees his or her sins in light of the cross. - Pastor Jeremy M. Cochran

An atheist asked, Did the American Native Indians credit their conscience to your Jesus? Not until they heard the gospel. They knew that there was a Great Spirit who made all things, and the Gospel put a Name to Him. - Ray Comfort

"I want all my children (the Seminoles) to know about this." - John Jumper when he first believed on Jesus Christ

"I cared not where or how I lived, or what hardships I went through, so I could but gain souls to Christ" --David Brainerd

Oh, That I May Never Loiter On My Heavenly Journey! – David Brainerd