Church Plants
The biblical pattern for church planting is found by a careful study of Acts 14, Acts 16, 1 Timothy 3, and Titus 1:5-9. Without question, local churches are to plant other churches. The need for church plants on Native American reservations is overwhelming. While church plants continue to spring up all over the United States, one area they are not being planted is on Native American reservations. With the Word of God as our guide and with the Lord's power, we desire to Plant Native America with local, independent, Reformed Baptist churches so that these precious souls may repent and believe the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Every church plant should begin with preaching the gospel. As the gospel is preached and souls are saved, they should be exhorted and taught in the Word of God. As these new believers grow, then those who are biblically qualified should begin to be appointed. It is only at this point where qualified biblical leadership exists that a new church plant should begin. As these churches are begun, they should be moving toward reproducing themselves according to the biblical pattern in which they were started. A biblically planted church should seek to plant another biblically sound church. May the Lord help us to follow the pattern laid out in His Holy Word and may our churches stand on the Word of God alone in all things.
Church Projects
In addition to assisting with the planting of new Bible preaching churches, we are serving missionaries already established on reservations by assisting them with any projects they may have in their respective ministry.
Missionary and Pastor Support
We are serving to supply missionaries on reservations by meeting whatever needs they may have: finances, food, clothes for distribution to their people. We are working to keep these missionaries supplied and on the reservation in which God has placed them.
We are preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ through evangelistic meetings. We are committed to following the Word of God and obeying the great commission by evangelizing the world through preaching.